The Miles Government has announced a new $1000 rebate on Queensland families’ electricity bills.
We know that Queensland households are continuing to face rising household bills and the Miles Government is doing what it can to help provide some relief to all Queenslanders.
This year’s budget will focus on lowering household bills. By introducing the electricity rebate now we can ensure that this relief can be delivered as soon as possible.
The rebate will operate from 1 July this year.
I have listened to our local community who have told me that people are struggling with their electricity bills.
I have urged our government to provide more cost of living relief this year.
I am proud to be part of a government that is delivering direct action to put more money back in Queenslanders’ pockets.
This rebate is only possible because the government's decision to introduce higher royalties on the record profits of multinational mining companies and our decision to keep assets in public hands. This means that we can deliver unprecedented relief for Queenslanders when they need it.